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Statera's Investment Team is committed to providing regular, relevant commentary
to support advisors' decisions to utilize our models within their investment practices





July 17, 2024Charting Retirement '24Investment hypotheticals are imaginary scenarios of portfolio returns. They are summaries of theoretical past or …
July 8, 2024Q224 Quarter in ReviewAfter a dicey April, stocks and bonds both saw gains sufficient to pull into the …
June 19, 2024Four-Year ExpectationsThe are many questions regarding market expectations that we tend to find sufficiently addressed using …
April 24, 2024Can't Will ReturnsThis session, I ponder the motivations of and position our work against the "do this …
April 17, 2024Q124 Quarter in ReviewWhile stocks have recovered well beyond their second-half-2023 drawdown, bonds of longer durations have struggled …
March 6, 2024When Will It End?Though still relatively narrow in terms of the breadth of contributing stocks, the ongoing recovery …
February 7, 2024AI in PracticeIn this podcast, I provide some early glimpses of the power of artificial intelligence in …
January 12, 2024Q423 Quarter in ReviewThe year saw gains most everywhere one looked, but those gains came with a fair …
January 5, 2024Been Here BeforeThis month five years ago, we provided a data-focused retrospective showing performance subsequent to investments …
December 5, 2023“Magnificent” YearA bit contrary to the old saw that diversification is your friend, just a handful …
November 1, 2023Reconsidering DurationThose investors pulled toward short-term Treasuries for their multi-decade peaks may wish to look beyond …
October 16, 2023Q323 Quarter in ReviewWhat started out as a positive quarter for stocks turned quite negative, as investors seemed …
October 7, 2023Omnia MutanturInvestors routinely, seemingly instinctually, look to the past for clues to qualify the present and …
September 1, 2023One of Many ObjectivesCash holdings may provide comfort, but inflation diminishes the value of uninvested cash over time. …
August 4, 2023The Future You [Don’t] SeeWall Street loves itself a forecast. Fulfilling that want, there are groups of folks whose …
July 7, 2023Q223 Quarter in ReviewSo long as one did not carry too substantial an amount of interest rate risk …
June 4, 2023Theme or Meme?While it’s understandable that investors may get excited about future prospects of new industries and …
May 3, 2023A Market of ContradictionsIt’s not rare that we sit scratching our heads at obvious contradictions expressed by investment …
April 5, 2023Q123 Quarter in ReviewOver the past three months investors struggled with intransient inflation and policy makers’ efforts to …
March 30, 2023Good and Bad of Yields UpOver the four-plus decades since Americans last braced against a high-inflation environment, investors have seen …
February 4, 2023Thinking About ChangeIn recent months we’ve sought to highlight the notion that investment markets are forward-looking, meaning …
January 9, 2023Q422 Year in ReviewNot the worst year ever in stocks around the world, but certainly among the worst, …
January 9, 2023The Reminders of 2022Last month we spoke to the relatively rare occasions that U.S. stock markets failed to …
December 2, 2022One of Those YearsMost years see some manner of substantial decline in stocks, even as most full-year tallies …
November 4, 2022Guiding Into ItSeems reasonable to expect that corporate earnings are likely to fall on account of inflation-induced …
October 7, 2022Deflating ExpectationsMany trends suggest progress has been made against inflation, which remains historically elevated across most …
October 3, 2022Q322 Quarter in ReviewThe third quarter offered few corners to hide as investors shunned risk in most of …
September 1, 2022Inflation ConfrontationWe were having such a good time, weren’t we? After dropping more than 20% from …
August 5, 2022Save Long and ProsperWith savings, every little bit counts. In our view, one should focus on regular contributions …
July 5, 2022Q222: Quarter in ReviewThough stocks showed some early-April gains, they sank through quarter end to close near the …
July 1, 2022Thinking About TomorrowUnlike market peaks, when positive sentiment easily supports staying in the game, a market drawdown …
June 3, 2022Charting RetirementInvestment hypotheticals are imaginary scenarios of portfolio returns. They are summaries of theoretical past or …
May 6, 2022Race to Rise20220506 SAM CommentaryDownload Only once before in the history of the U.S. fixed income market …
April 6, 2022Q122: Quarter in ReviewStocks sank early this year on a wide range of macroeconomic concerns. Following a minor …
April 1, 2022Eventually MetGiven the unpredictability of investment markets and corporate fundamentals, we tend to pay minor heed …
March 4, 2022Context of EventsOne correctly could suggest the world entered a darker phase over the past week. One …
February 24, 2022Your Knee-Jerk Reaction is Maybe WrongIt’s rare that market action provides such clarity of purpose to our recommendations that investors …
February 4, 2022Not the SameThe world has been left bereft of “safe” yield for a decade. And over that …
January 18, 2022Model UpdateThis latest update to our investment models includes the following themes: Across all models we …
January 14, 2022Q421: Quarter in ReviewAll but ignoring the global pandemic, for the third year in a row global stocks …
January 7, 2022Factor RevivalWhile it’s true that we fancy smaller, less-expensive and more profitable companies, those preferences have …
December 3, 2021Which Way Next?Fresh variation in the COVID-19 virus spooked investors over the Thanksgiving holiday. Fears of the …
November 5, 2021Hyping InflationWhen something new comes along in Finance, it can be fun to watch market participants …
October 5, 2021Q321: Quarter in ReviewEquity returns over the past year still pretty stellar, even without the initial rebound from …
October 1, 2021Always the SeasonEach spring, we hear echoes of a favorite line among many market watchers: the months …
September 3, 2021All That GlittersFinancial and social media can leave investors with an overpowering feeling that there’s something missing …
August 6, 2021So Much BreathlessnessOn July 19, late-day headlines spoke of “carnage” during that day’s equity market “rout”. “Plunging” …
July 27, 2021Latest Podcast
July 9, 2021Q221: Quarter in ReviewStill surging from the pandemic bottom, global stocks continued a run that followed last fall’s …
July 2, 2021Risk Is. Return MightIn our advisory work, we find two perspectives provide the basis for determining a level …
June 4, 2021Factors With LegsThe relative performance of our favored equity characteristics have set a few records over the …
May 7, 2021Reminder for Next TimeWe long ago learned that adhering to an existing plan, seeking to make adjustments only …
April 7, 2021Q120 Quarter in ReviewStarting just about at the bottom of the dramatic plunge at the onset of the …
April 2, 2021Tendency to StabilizeThe rule that all investing carries risk applies even to bonds. The negative price impact …
March 5, 2021Brief History of Return and RiskEven without the pandemic or the U.S. election, market returns alone would have made 2020 …
February 5, 2021Not the Only Game in TownFor a moment, you'd have thought there were no other stocks in the world. Though …
January 18, 2021Model RepositioningVia this update to our investment models, we have sought to boost flexibility to bolster …
January 15, 2021Q420 Year in ReviewTake out global viral contagion and the U.S. presidential election and we still had a …
January 1, 2021A Lesson RevisitedAmidst a year of unprecedented turmoil, the domestic stock market experienced what may in hindsight …
December 4, 2020Things Are Looking UpNow that the presidential election has passed, seems investors have turned their collective gaze toward …
November 4, 2020Still UndecidedNo, we don’t mean the election. We mean the market. Once the presidential election has …
November 3, 2020Upcoming Fund Expense Ratio UpdateIn an effort to continue to provide cost-competitive investment solutions, Dimensional Fund Advisors announced on …
October 22, 2020Focus on FactorsIn the following video, Mark speaks to Statera's multifactor investment approach. Importantly, this video is …
October 13, 2020Q3 2020: Quarter in ReviewNot much less eventful than the prior two, the third quarter saw global stocks rise …
October 2, 2020Four More!! Four More?!Every four years, the United States heads to the polls to determine who will lead …
September 4, 2020Disproportionate ExcessHistory shows that smaller-capitalization stocks have tended to outperform larger-cap stocks over time. Just not …
August 10, 2020What's to Come?With the global pandemic surging anew, governments around the world are developing additional measures to …
July 16, 2020Q2 2020: Quarter in ReviewAfter the leap came the run. Stocks furthered a surge from the March trough, at …
July 2, 2020Lamenting the Bounce?The U.S. equity market rests just under 8% from its February 19 peak. Cue worries …
June 6, 2020Familiar ThemesAmong the equity market themes one learns early on is that market history is not …
May 11, 2020Time for Value...Now?Value stocks have underperformed their Growth peers by a gap never wider in history, leaving …
April 16, 2020Q1 2020: Quarter in ReviewThe first quarter of 2020 will go down in history as among the more chaotic …
April 1, 2020In the Thick of ItThrough the end of March in a pretty remarkable turn of trends, the domestic equity …
March 31, 2020Maintaining Perspective (Intro)
March 31, 202003.28.2020: CIO NoteIn the following video, Mark seeks to provide additional perspective regarding recent market volatility. Importantly, …
March 15, 2020Records Set, Tolerance TestedAfter the day before turning in its fifth-worst day in history—its worst single-day performance in …
March 11, 2020Bearing the BearAs markets roil, it’s increasingly evident that the eventual depth of this downturn will depend …
March 9, 2020Stockpiling OnInvestors needn’t another layer of uncertainty, but received one anyway over the weekend after a …
February 28, 2020Novel, But Not NewIt would seem that investors finally began to focus on the near-to-medium-term potential impact of …
February 11, 2020Hypothesizing Retirement, Part 3We closed January’s commentary with the thought that the vagaries of market returns we see …
January 15, 2020Q4 2019: Quarter and Year in ReviewOne might suggest any hesitancy to be exposed to investment risk at the end of …
January 2, 2020Hypothesizing Retirement, Part 2Last month, we discussed the highly variable magnitude of investment outcomes over longer periods of …
December 9, 2019Hypothesizing RetirementInvestment hypotheticals are imaginary scenarios of portfolio returns. Summaries of theoretical past or future circumstances, …
November 14, 2019Time for Value?Depending on how one defines the group, Value stocks have underperformed Growth stocks for a …
October 19, 2019Q3 2019: Quarter in ReviewThe third quarter was tense in manners similar to the thrilling, but otherwise inconsequential subplots …
October 4, 2019Recess[ion] BellSeems like each day brings a new call that a recession is right around the …
September 9, 2019“It’s All Relative”Normally we’re not big fans of the phrase, as it’s often used reflexively rather than …
August 9, 2019Withered YieldsWasn’t so long ago that we were applauding more generous yields among our fixed income …
July 19, 2019Q2 2019: Quarter in ReviewYet another quarter has gone by during which, were it not for the actions—or, rather …
July 9, 2019Regional ValueIn last month’s commentary, we sought to support our desire to maintain international equity exposures …
June 8, 2019Challenging Our BiasesHumans can be faulted for behaviors of all sorts, and our penchants when investing are …
May 2, 2019Don't Forget to SaveOur industry spends a great deal of time thinking about where a portfolio is invested …
April 16, 2019Q1 2019: Quarter in ReviewThe first quarter of 2019 provided yet another example of why we think it generally …
April 9, 2019Owning Apple...and So Much ElseWe continue to believe that, based on our experience and that of the broader industry, …
March 4, 2019What to Talk About Today?Never ceases to amaze us the ways financial market media will torture market data in …
February 4, 2019Since you asked...We generally seek to provide in-depth reviews of themes supporting our approach to investment management …
January 22, 2019Q4 2018: Quarter and Year in Review PresentationFor the first time in a decade, the S&P 500 Index posted a calendar year …
January 22, 2019Q4 2018: Quarter in ReviewFor the first time in a decade, the S&P 500 Index posted a calendar year …
January 7, 2019Perspective in CrisisFor the past two years, we’ve made a point to highlight the natural ebbs and …
December 21, 2018Worries PoolingUsually not so many at once. While international equity markets have been pressured most of …
December 5, 2018Diversity's DifferencesInternational stocks have strongly underperformed U.S. stocks this year. Such a large gap may lead …
November 2, 2018So Much SidewaysFor the second time this year, the S&P 500 Index has experienced a near 10% …
October 13, 2018Q3 2018: Quarter in ReviewThinking about the past three months, the word divergence comes to mind. Within equities, U.S. …
October 7, 2018Bonds Burdened, Not BustedA fact of investing, bond prices generally fall as interest rates rise. This happens as …
August 31, 2018Mileage VariesLots of folks talking about how long-in-the-tooth is this bull market. Some conclude the end …
August 7, 2018OK Missing OutFairly common to hear folks gabbing about how great a stock they own has performed. …
July 18, 2018Q2 2018: Quarter in ReviewThe second quarter proved mostly unexceptional. Sure, we could point to headlines and such, intimating …
July 6, 2018Duck on WaterWe attempt as often as we can to resolve many of the mysteries surrounding investment …
June 8, 2018A Future None DivinedWith the large-cap-stock focused S&P 500 Index now up 4.8% year-to-date, after its 21.8% jump …
May 6, 2018Range of OutcomesFundamental to our approach to investment management is the acknowledgement that with most any increase …
April 10, 2018Q1 2018: Quarter in ReviewMarkets rose into the new year upon approval of sweeping tax reform in the U.S. …
April 2, 2018Risk in ContextWith interest in and media coverage of investible markets so expansive, market volatility has become …
March 6, 2018Rising Rate ReviewMore than a few folks are worried that interest rates are on the rise. Leaving …
February 5, 2018All of a SuddenOne of the several risk-oriented messages we hope has resonated with readers of our commentaries …
February 5, 2018Rates in MotionWith the equity market plunge the talk of the trade over the first week in …
January 14, 2018Q4 2017: Quarter and Year in ReviewTo call the past half-decade of domestic equity markets gains robust is assuredly an understatement, …
January 5, 2018Onward. Upward?Market peaks may seem particularly frightening. Like the crest of a roller coaster, they may …
December 8, 2017Future FretAs the year comes to a close, prognostications for 2018 already are filling up our …
November 3, 2017Time Can MendTo date, the U.S. equity market has recovered from all major and minor downturns. Even …
October 23, 2017Q3 2017: Quarter in ReviewWith few grand shifts in themes over the past three months, global investible markets provided …
October 13, 2017Progress DocumentedManaging client investments since 2007, Statera Asset Management[1] has generated nearly a decade’s-worth of investment …
September 8, 2017Gliding HomeRisk is as much a part of investing as is return. Two sides of the …
August 4, 2017Horizon Beyond the PeakAll the talk about record market highs makes for a bit of discomfort. It can …
July 7, 2017Q2 2017: Quarter in ReviewThe second quarter of 2017 proved fruitful as political trends in Europe were more favorable …
July 7, 2017Enhancing TiltsThe Statera Investment Team maintains a vigilant watch over the mutual fund and exchange traded …
June 3, 2017Maintaining PerspectiveOn May 17, the S&P 500 Index dropped 1.82%. Day-after headlines were hardly subtle as …
May 5, 2017Comforting NumbersExperts agree: What tomorrow holds no one knows. Most experts, anyway. As we discussed last …
April 7, 2017Q1 2017: Quarter in ReviewIt did not take long for the post-election euphoria to wane. Ostensibly created by the …
April 7, 2017Expect Return? Respect RiskWith investing come no guarantees. Nonetheless, a few reasonably sound principles so far have stood …
March 3, 2017Labels Can Be MisleadingWe’re never surprised to see several “growth” exposures in prospective client portfolios we review. Naturally, …
February 3, 2017One Strategy for AllWith changes in weather, we change our clothes. The more wide-ranging and unpredictable the patterns, …
January 6, 2017Q4 2016: Quarter in ReviewThe U.S. election seemed to dominate capital market movement during the fourth quarter of 2016, …
January 6, 2017Returns Commensurate with RiskCapital markets may always reflect the aggregate expectations of investors, but those individual expectations can …
December 2, 2016Unexpected. Not SurprisingWith all matters investment related, we seek to avoid surprise when the unexpected happens. This …
November 4, 2016A Signature DisciplineOur approach to investment management seeks pragmatism in concept and efficiency in practice. It is …
October 1, 2016Q3 2016 Market ReviewCapital markets entered the third quarter of 2016 recovering from the turmoil impelled by the …
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